Oidhche Shamhna Ghàidhealach | Halloween Gaelic Weekend

October 25 – 27, 2024

A bheil thu measail air Oidhche Shamhna agus dualchas nan Gàidheal? Am bu thoigh leat do chuid Ghàidhlig a leasachadh gun leughadh is sgrìobhadh? A bheil thu airson pàirt a ghabhail ann an clas a tha tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig? A bheil thu ’sireadh cothruim gus Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn ann an suidheachadh a tha nàdarra, cofhurtail, is brosnachail? Ma tha, bhiodh fàilte bhlàth romhad aig Oidhche Shamhna Ghàidhealach!

Are you a fan of Halloween Gaelic traditions and customs? Would you like to improve on your Gaelic without having to do any reading and writing? Do you want to participate in a class that is offered through the medium of Gaelic? Are you seeking an opportunity to speak Gaelic and converse in a natural, comfortable, and encouraging setting? If so, you would be most welcome at our Halloween Gaelic Weekend!

Age: 10+
Level: From New Beginner to Fluent
Arrival: 7:00pm Friday (or 9:00am Saturday)
Departure: 3:00pm Sunday

Find out more about the Spring Gaelic Weekend here.

Find out more about the Christmas Gaelic Weekend here.

Live-in [classes, accommodations, and meals]:

  • Single: $320
  • Shared: $295
  • Youth* (Under 19): $150 *Youth must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian

Day Student [classes and lunches]:

  • Adult: $150
  • Youth* (Under 19): $120 *Youth must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian who will remain onsite with them during the weekend.

Please note a $50 non-refundable deposit is due upon receipt of your invoice, which will be emailed to you within 3 business days after registering.

For more information, contact Gaelic Director Colin MacDonald at colin@gaeliccollege.edu.